Tuesday, February 16, 2010

First Black Sorority....

Alpha Kappa Alpha is the first greek letter, sorority organization established by and for African American women. The sorority was found January 15, 1908 in Washington, DC on the campus of the historical black college/university Howard University. The sorority was later incorporated January 29, 1913. There were 9 founding members the most famous of which to non-sorority members is Ethel Hedgeman Lyle.
Ethel Hedgeman Lyle was inspired to establish the sorority by the lack of constructive, organizations that promoted service and sisterhood. Her desire was also fueled by her husband's membership in the FIRST greek letter fraternity for African American men, Alpha Phi Alpha. IT wouldn't surprise me to find out that this relationship is the one that would set the mode for the long standing relationship the fraternity and sorority would share in the coming decades....being the first two organizations and all.

To implement her idea, Hedgeman began recruiting interested classmates during the summer of 1907. Eventually, nine women including Hedgeman were instrumental in organizing Alpha Kappa Alpha in fall 1908. With Hedgeman serving as the temporary chairperson, the women wrote the sorority's constitution, devised the motto and favorite colors, and named the sorority Alpha Kappa Alpha. Later in 1909, seven sophomores expressed interest and were accepted without initiation. The first initiation was held in a wing of Miner Hall on Howard University on February 11, 1909. On May 25, 1909, Alpha Kappa Alpha held the first "Ivy Week", a celebration which included planting ivy at Miner Hall.

Fast forward to today, 102 years later Alpha Kappa Alpha still stands as an influential, intellectual, body of women all of the world seeking to better their communities and make a difference through economic empowerment, SERVICE TO ALL MANKIND, and various programs meant to uplift and empower the family unit as a whole. For more information on Alpha Kappa Alpha visit their website at http://www.aka1908.com/
FIRST LADY MICHELLE OBAMA HAS BEEN FORMALLY INDUCTED AS A MEMBER OF THE PRESTIGIOUS SORORITY among other well known philantropists, intellectuals, celebrities.

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