My friends and family have been listening to me say how much I loved Mo'nique's heartfelt, sincere thank you speech after she won the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress. Her speech was a personified illustration of humility and gratitude. I saw the movie Precious and she really did deserve that award ***side eye*** to Samuel L. Jackson and whatever his look was about.
What I liked the most about her speech is that she thanked Hattie McDaniel. Hattie McDaniel is the first African American to ever win an Academy Award and the first African American actress to win the award for Best Supporting Actress for her role as Mammy in Gone With the Wind***
**Much to the dismay of my family, I LOVE Gone With the Wind**
However, I realized that many people didn't know who she, Hattie McDaniel, was and since I am behind in my posts on women, it's women's history month and Oscar night was a BIG night for women, I figured I'd have a post in tribute to Hattie McDaniel.
Hattie McDaniel was not just an actress. She was a singer, songwriter, comedienne, radio performer. She has two stars on the Hollywood walk of fame. One is for her work in films and the other for her work in radio as she was the first African American woman to perform on radio. She is also the first Academy Award winner to receive a United States postal stamp bearing her image. She has been inducted into the Black Filmmakers Hall of Fame and is probably one of the most, if not THE most, celebrated African American in film history for her achievements!!!
When read this it mad me smile! i just had to school some of these people on who Hattie Mae was why Monique thanked her.>>and without her it would be no Monique no Halle Berry and the list could go on and on
YES! It's just a matter of knowing your history but lots of us aren't aware because of our age...LOVED that she thanked Hattie! Her speech was short & to the point but genuine.
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