Tuesday, December 14, 2010


HAPPY HOLIDAYS TO MY FOLLOWERS!!!! I love this time of year! Who doesn't like being surrounded by family, enjoy the heartwarming fragrances of pine, mint, apple, and the aroma of delicious holiday fare?!?!

Honestly, I look forward to it all year. This year I'm not very excited for the Christmas shopping part though. NOooo I'm not being a scrooge no grinch attitude here, and i'm not cheap I just want to give deeper this year, things from the heart, creative, personal to the receiver. I want to make a difference, lasting impact on someone's holiday season. All of us have gotten store bought gifts and while we love those, I'm just curious about the more creative, personal, maybe homemade, sentimental gifts are that you all have received or WOULD LIKE TO receive....
Please share...!!!!!!

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