Wednesday, December 16, 2009

New Years Resolution....2010 BOUND

2009 is ending and BELIEVE I am sad about that but blessed and happy to be embarking upon 2010. Yea, I love 2009!!! I plan to do things bigger in 2010 though. I have a strong feeling of optimism about 2010 that I haven't felt about anything'll be the year my dream really take flight!!! So as I said on (Sunshine's blog), here are my New Years Resolution:

1. Pay off this student loan
2. TRAVEL!! TRAVEL!! TRAVEL!! (Dominican Republic in September)
3. Start building my "first condo/house" account
4. Enroll in retirement plan
5. Get back door fixed on my truck
6. Buy my new luxury barbie wheels LOL, something glam i'll buy for myself. I'm thinking
7. Best shape of my life for the fight in Vegas or wherever in March!!!!
8. Continue to deplete my life of as many unnecessary stress factors as possible
stress ages and causes health problems. I'm too young and my future is too promising for
9. Take my LSAT classes
10. Finally pickup on some of the things I enjoyed when I was a little girl: horseback riding,
dance, pottery, reading (joining a book club), piano, women's group
11. Volunteer more in the community
12. HAVE FUN, HAVE FUN, HAVE FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


sunshinestar110 said...

#12 is def the most important!!

girl if you find a book club please let me know i have been looking for one for almost a year and can't find any that interest me at all.

Lipglass and Handbags said...

I will either i'll join one or start my own!!!