Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Memories from a summer's past...

This past Sunday afternoon, I was driving to the movie theater in Bowie to take my sister to see Shrek (yes, I used her as a pawn)...truthfully, I couldn't wait until the movie came out to see it myself!! Anywho, so it was one of those rare occasions where I was listening to the radio instead of Monica's latest or FatBellyBella...and Plies' "Shawty" started to play on the radio. I was instantly taken back 3 years ago to a summer, that for me, was a bittersweet, vulnerable time in my young life. I was open that summer, filled with emotions, dealing with the WORST breakup...BUT experiencing one of the truest yet rare moments in time in regards to friendship.

I remembered my "friend" the one I cried, smiled, laughed, talked, partied, worked and GREW with that summer....Summer 2007! We were meant to be friends for that specific period of time. Where does Plies' song "Shawty" fit in with all this??? Well, it's long and complicated. However, hearing it on the radio the other day solidified for me that there was a point in time that our friendship was pure, we coached each other, held each other and cried together!! She's 5 years my senior and although we're not friends anymore, I look back at that time when we were friends...closer than ever and I shed a tear and can't help but to smile...

With that said I wish you (although you may never read this) ALL the best!!! I heard through the Hawk Alum grapevine that The Princess finally got her Prince, and I want to say that although no longer spirit is happy for you both. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!

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