Wednesday, September 8, 2010

We make our plans...

and God does sit back and laughs his behind off at us!!! Remember how I said I was so gung-ho about going to Georgetown for Paralegal Studies??? Well, yea, I got in, registered for classes BUT had to drop them as the reality of my new work schedule laughed in my face!! NO room for school!! I just started a new position, to put it plainly, as an investigator for the feds....EXCITING!!! I am excited but WHYYYY...does it have to be at the expense of my going to school??? I promise it took alot out of me to drop my classes! However i'm a firm believer in everything happens for a reason though...

While going through the security clearance process, I had no idea the new job would call me with a start date exactly ONE (1) day before my classes were scheduled to start at Georgetown!! Training for the new position is approximately 5-6 weeks and we're in week 2!!! Classes were for 13 weeks but given the strict attendance policy and the mandatory flexibility of the new gig, I figured i'd drop the classes and pick them back up next semester when I had more of a handle on my job. Great thing is, I will be working from home!!! *SCORE*

*tears*sigh*shrugOFrelief* I'm sad because i had a map of goals and a plan to be at a certain point by next fall but lets be honest I was going to be paying for my classes out of pocket and my sound mind checked the foolishness at the wouldve been a waste of about $3000 this semester had I tried to "stick it out"....just isn't possible right now!

All in all, between leaving a job (my first after college *tear*), starting a new one, learning the new one, and being available for shadow and on the job training...there was no room for school. I have been running around like a beheaded chicken!!!!!!! Not to mention my car has been having b!tchfits every other day!! There just hasn't been enough time in the day for me!!! I'm overwhelmed, my social life is temporarily awol, and I want to smile and cry....HELP!!! I MISSED MY BLOG THOUGH!!!!!


sunshinestar110 said...

Congrats on your new job!! *happy dance* Sometimes one door has to close for another one to open...School will be there waiting for you and when you back to it you are going to kill it!

Lipglass and Handbags said...

Thank you Sunshine!!! You are so right about the one door opening and the other closing!! I'm so excited about the new experiences...I just want to take it all in. School will be there always...and at the appropriate time it'll happen!