Thursday, February 18, 2010

Love & Basketball.....NBA Wives*

Just recently E Entertainment had a new addition to their True Hollywood Stories specials and it was NBA Wives. The wives of course talked about how they met their rebounding, slam dunking, superstar husbands, their marriage and the pros and cons of being an athlete's wife and in the public eye.

Among the ex/wives that were profiled were the ex wives of Jason Kidd and Dewayne Wade, and avid NBA fan myself, I feel like I got to know a little more about the players and D-Wade's ex-wife was just melting my heart away with her story. She seemed, to me, to be the most genuine, and humble of all the women they interviewed. Had me hatin' D-Wade and his new boo Gabrielle Union....**blah**

I love the NBA, why wouldn't I? It's like the leading employer of the finest, tall, muscular, aggressive black men (lol, i digress) but I guess it helps that I like basketball too....**SIGH**

So anyway, you may have heard of this but Shaq's almost EX-wife Shaunie is supposedly coming out with a VH1 reality show, about noneotherthan NBA WIVES!!! I don't know, what stage the show is in but it was said to supposedly drop at the top of 2010, so we'll soon, I guess.

LOL, supposedly Dwight "Superman" Howard's ex girl is gonna be on the show BUT is prohibited from mentioning him by name or nickname which should be INTERESTING to say the least.

No mention on what wives will actually be on the show besides her, whose not a wife. I actually wanna see this show & hope it does actually drops....maybe we'll see Shaunie, Tawana Iverson, Vanessa Bryant....I'm waiting*


Chay Chay said...

I can't STAND Gabrielle Union girl...LoL!D. Wade is SO fine,YES LAWD! And the story behing Vanessa & Kobe Bryant is SO fake, and SO not true love..UgH! But anyways, I just had to vent...the show SHOULD be interesting LoL!

Lipglass and Handbags said...

YES!! I have heard so many stories about Vanessa & Kobe. I doubt theyll be on show though but i'll watch anyway....Feel free to vent anytime LOL