Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Contagious Peace....

I have ranted on and on about great of a year I was having. I realize that not everyone can attest to 2009 being such a good year for them BUT what I do realize is, that all of us can do our part to be infectious at enabling someone else to end the year happily, at peace and smiling. Moods, attitudes, personalities or the lack thereof can be contagious/infectious just like the common cold, swine flu or anything else and kill anything positive that is about to, can or should happen involving us. It is important to start every day with the intention to do positive things, think positively, surround oneself with positive personalities that exude love and care for us. Even after a not so unfortunate (argument, fight, let down, bad news) event.
CALM DOWN & FOCUS ON THE MANY THINGS THAT DID NOT GO WRONG, COULD GO WRONG** Be thankful for the blessings that have been bestowed upon yourself and realize that your situation can ALWAYS be worst. So live happily!!!! Do the things you love with the people you love, GET RID OF NEGATIVE CATALYST (they mean NO good) and ALWAYS, ALWAYS be optimistic and thankful for the GOOD things**
If nothing else, be thankful for LIFE!!! Work hard to keep your personal peace still**


Smart Black Girl said...

This is a great post! 2009 has been a complete wash for me! Unemployment, Relationshit issues, Family drama, just a complete wash, but hey I'm alive and healthy. I'll get em next year!

Lipglass and Handbags said...

Claim it girl!!! 2007 was a horrible year for me. Lost 2 grandparents, didn't want to be in school, relationship was shot to hell, worst breakup ever, horrible job(s), friendships ended...BUT there was next year, a whole other 365 days to look forward to....